ఏక శ్లోకి రామాయణము
ఆదౌరామ తపోవనాది గమనం - హత్వామృగంకాంచనం
వైదేహీహరణం - జటాయుమరణం - సుగ్రీవసంభాషణం
వాలీనిగ్రహణం - సముద్రతరణం - లంకాపురీదహనం
పశ్చాద్రావణ కుంభకార్ణహననం యేతద్దిరామయణం
Eka SlOki raamaayaNamu
aadauraama tapOvanaadi gamanaM - hatvaamRgaMkaaMchanaM
vaidEheeharaNaM - jaThaayumaraNaM - sugreevasaMbhaashaNaM
vaaleenigrahaNaM - samudrataraNaM - lankaapureedahanaM
paSchaadraavaNa kuMbhakaarNahananaM yEtaddiraamayaNaM
Shakthi garu, your website is very informative. Especially, the Eka Sloka Ramayanam is very classic. Thank you for sharing this knowledge. Just a friendly, suggestion, you might want to change the theme of your blog as most of the letters are hard to read and the background is heavy on eyes. Do not mind my intruding.
Dear Soorampoodi Anandgaru,
Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion & you are most welcome for more suggestions. I have made some amendments which I am sure will be to your liking. If you are a regular visitor of this blog how about considering a follower. Thanks Shakthiji
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